The end of the calendar year always seems to sneak upon us. Many businesses will see an influx of employees using vacation time before it expires with the New Year. For some companies, it may seem like there’s a lot you want to get done before then. The Kip and King Marketing team has thought of some productive but relatively simple goals to accomplish before the end of the year.

To start, when forming any goal, it is vital to form S.M.A.R.T. goals. These goals have detailed outlines of how they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. These guidelines will spell out how and when to accomplish each step of the goal so they can truly be a team effort.

A quick and straightforward goal is to make sure your LinkedIn, Google My Business, and website are updated. This should include everything from your most recent menu or list of services to your holiday hours. This goal almost sounds too simple to make into a S.M.A.R.T. goal, but it is a perfect example. A brief S.M.A.R.T. goal would be, “By December 23, 2021, our marketing personnel will update all operations details on our media platforms, including but not limited to holiday hours, most recent menu/services, address, and phone number.”

Next on your list is a rough budget outline. Starting to look into your past fiscal year’s finances and spending habits will allow you to create a rough outline and begin to evaluate things that did not work well in your previous budget. Not to mention, starting this process before the big swing of the holidays will make coming back in the New Year that much easier! A small goal now will help your stress tremendously later.

For many, the Holiday Season is the season of giving. Many companies give back to their communities, from fundraisers to in-person charity work. So how will your business leave an impact this season? Kip & King Marketing enjoys participating in The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Adoption Program. Giving back to those around you will make this season even more fulfilling for you.

Once you’ve thought about how your company will give back to your community, start thinking about how you plan on giving back to your employees. No company can run without employees, so it’s essential to thank them during the stressful holiday season. This could be anything from planning a relaxed holiday party to handing out bonuses and taking care of your employees when they take care of you. As a result, your business will reduce employee turnover and increase overall employee satisfaction.

Let’s shift focus one more time from your employees to your customers. How are you highlighting the good they do and thanking them for being loyal to your business? We’re not implying you need to spend tons of money on extravagant gifts, although they would probably love that. Think instead about the relationship you have with them. Does it need to be nurtured and strengthened? Of course, no one would argue with the fact that the holiday season is a whirlwind. But, be careful not to let your clients feel as though they’ve been left in the dust by all the hustle and bustle that comes with this time of year.

All of this might seem like a lot to get done in the next two months, but it’s important to remember that while this is a very generalized list of good practices, every company has a different way of approaching things at the end of the year.